About Me and Contact Info

Licensure:I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, or LCSW, which is a psychotherapy license in the state of California. (License No. LCS 21604.) I have been licensed since 2003, and have worked in the helping professions since 1988.  I am practicing in Long Beach, CA. I am bilingual in English and Spanish.

Therapy Practice:  The primary focus of my therapy practice is the treatment of trauma and its aftereffects. Along with Somatic Experiencing, I incorporate other therapeutic modalities, including humanistic, behavioral and psychodynamic approaches. I am trained in EMDR. I am also an ecotherapist, which means that I support healing the relationship between nature and humans. I help people access and experience their love for nature, and how nature supports self-regulation (and feeling good!).  I also support people in moving through the grief and pain of eco-anxiety, including engaging in giving back to nature.  

I also serve as an Assistant for the Somatic Experiencing Institute. I help teach SE to clinicians at SE trainings in Los Angeles, Orange County, and internationally.

Bachelors in Psychology, University of CA, Los Angeles (1992).
Substance Abuse Counseling and Studies, UCLA Extension (1994).
Masters in Social Work from California State University, Long Beach (2000).
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) (2003).
Post-Inductive Therapy, Pia Mellody, The Meadows Treatment Center (2005).
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) certification, Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute (2011).
Touch Skills Training for Therapists, Kathy Kain, SEP (2015).
Ecopsychology Certificate Program (100 Hours), Holos Institute, 2019.

Doctor of Arts, Viridis Graduate Institute, Ecological Psychology and Environmental Humanities (completed January 2024).

I’ve been a therapist for a long time now, and I’ve worked with many thousands of humans, who’ve presented with a wide variety of issues. This includes everything from substance abuse, developmental disabilities, psychoses, and a wide variety of mood and thought disorders. I’ve worked with many, many survivors of shock and developmental trauma, including (to name just a few): genocide, racism, homophobia, sexual traumas, assaults, accidents, illnesses, and tragic losses. I work well with a wide variety of people, especially folks who are creative, unusual or otherwise “out of the box”. I am an ally of the LGBTQI community and the anti-racism movement.

Nature Practice:
I am a certified California Naturalist through the University of California. Naturalists have a lot of general knowledge about how Nature works, and how large natural systems (geography, oceans, climate) interact to shape soils, plants and animals. We are constantly learning more, since natural systems are incredibly complex and there’s always more to learn! Many Naturalists have specialty areas of more detailed knowledge about a certain subject (e.g., climate, or birds). Naturalists also help the public learn about nature and how to protect and preserve it. I also hold two certificates in Ecopsychology, which studies the relationship between humans and our natural environment. Principles of psychology and ecology/biology are used to work towards healing for both humans and Nature.



* Eliminated use of plastic and styrofoam for drinks; ceramic coffee mugs provided; single serve coffee uses refillable cartridge.

* Use of recycled paper products and eco-friendly cleaners throughout the office.

* Participating member of Long Beach Green Business network.


I was born and raised in Southern California, and I love it here!  I grew up here in the 1970’s, and back then I could usually be found riding my bike, a horse or a pair of roller skates. I have been an animal lover for all of my life, and preserving nature and all of its creatures (including us humans!) is one of my foremost passions. Today, I am involved in helping restore ecosystems in the urban environment, by planting California native plants, which support butterflies, bees, birds, and many other native creatures.  In my spare time I am learning about permaculture, and you might see me around town picking up litter from the streets. I have also greatly enjoyed my world travels. I’ve visited many other countries, including Mexico, Tahiti, Morocco, Kenya, Australia, United Kingdom, Iceland, and several other European countries. I love inline speed skating, bicycle riding, weight lifting, California native plants, house music, the company of friends, and (of course) a good cup of coffee.

Contact Information:

Office: 5199 E. Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 616, Long Beach, CA 90804 (by appointment only)
Email: andrea@somaticwise (dot) net
Phone: (562)243-9963
YouTube and Instagram: SomaticWise

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